My workouts aren't showing in Apple Health / Apple Health Permissions

If your workouts are not showing up in the "Health" app on iPhone, please make sure that BOTH of the following two conditions are set.

Check Apple Health Connection in Strong

Please navigate to Settings -> App Integrations -> Apple Health.

Strong should be connected as in the picture below. 

Even if Strong is 'connected', permissions for Apple Health must ALSO be set outside of Strong.

Check Apple Health Permissions in System Settings

Please go to (Phone) Settings -> Privacy -> Health -> Strong and make sure Strong has full access to ALL categories, as in the screenshot below.

Note: Setting Workouts access to ON will also improve performance of Strong for Apple Health, so please leave this enabled if possible.

Both of these settings are required for Strong to send workouts to Apple Health

Apple Health permissions are shared between iOS and watchOS, so the above conditions are sufficient for the Apple Watch app also.

Please note that these Settings will apply only to NEW Strong workouts logged using the app and Strong will not 'retroactively' add previous workouts to Apple Health.

Add Missing Workouts to Apple Health

If you've checked and Apple Health permissions were already enabled, you can navigate to Profile -> Settings -> Help & Support -> Troubleshooting -> Add Missing Workouts to Apple Health. 

Strong will attempt to add entries to Apple Health for any of your workouts with missing data. 

This process may create duplicate entries in Apple Health, so please make sure you know why you're using it.

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