Track Nutrition with Strong

Nutrition is an important component of training and you can view your nutrition information directly within Strong.

Integrate with Apple Health or Google Fit

For best results, please integrate Strong with Apple Health or Google Fit. Please make sure that you connect both that app and Strong to Apple Health and provide full access.

You can view your nutrition information and goals on Strong's Profile Widgets.

Tracking Macronutrients

You can import macronutrient (Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein) information from any Apple Health compatible nutrition app. Please make sure you provide full permissions to Apple Health.

Some options include FoodNoms, Lifesum, MyFitnessPal and Lose it.

Tracking Total Calories

To track total calories, we also recommend importing via Apple Health or Google Fit.

Alternatively, you can add total calories (kCal) directly into Strong via Measurement > Caloric Intake.

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